A traditional chess match involves two players and is played on a chessboard consisting of 64 squares, organized in an 8x8 grid. Each participant begins with 16 pieces: a king, one queen, two knights, two rooks, two bishops, and eight pawns. The objective of chess is to checkmate the opposing king, putting it in a position where capture is unavoidable.
The game can be played against artificial intelligence, with another person on the same device, or against an opponent online in multiplayer mode. Additionally, players have the option to tackle chess puzzles within the game.
In classical chess, there are sixteen pieces of six distinct types:
1. King - moves to one of the free adjacent squares that are not under threat from the opponent's pieces.
2. Queen - can move any number of free squares in any direction in a straight line, combining the movements of a rook and a bishop.
3. Rook - moves any number of squares horizontally or vertically, as long as no pieces block its path.
4. Bishop - moves diagonally over any number of squares, provided no pieces obstruct its path.
5. Knight - moves in an L-shape: two squares in one direction and then one square perpendicular, or vice versa.
6. Pawn - advances forward one square at a time, except when capturing.
Each player's ultimate aim is to checkmate their opponent, meaning the opponent's king is placed in a position where capture is certain.