Titan: Journey to the Abyss

Played 10 times.

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Only a little more than 4% of Earth's vast ocean has been explored, meaning each expedition provides an opportunity to learn more about ourselves and our surroundings. We encourage you to embark on an exhilarating dive, not merely to any ocean floor, but to the site where the legendary Titanic rests. Nonetheless, this adventure presents challenges: you must efficiently manage your resources to guarantee the safety of both your crew and vessel, with the ultimate aim being to reach the BOTTOM. Use your acquired resources judiciously to ensure survival and the safe return of your team.

Your goal is to go as deep as possible and survive while avoiding the obstacles that are sure to appear on your way to reach the first place in the leaderboard In the Angara you have the opportunity to improve your bathyscaphe 1 Hull Allows for greate






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