Turkish Checkers

Played 16 times.

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In this version of checkers, the primary feature is that pieces move and capture in horizontal and vertical directions, unlike the diagonal moves typical in other popular checkers games. Consequently, the starting arrangement of pieces is distinctive. Players position their 16 checkers on all squares of the second and third rows on a 64-square board.

You can choose to play against AI, compete with another person on the same device, or face an online opponent in multiplayer mode. Additionally, you can observe other players, watch the game as a spectator, or propose your own move by playing it on the board.

The player with white checkers initiates the game. A standard checker advances one square forward, to the left, or to the right. A king can move any number of empty squares in any direction: forward, backward, right, or left. If capturing an opponent’s piece is possible during a turn, the player must capture. A regular checker captures an opponent's piece directly ahead, to the right, or left. A king captures an opponent's piece from any number of empty squares ahead, behind, to the right, or left, as long as the square following the piece is vacant. Captured checkers are removed from the board one by one during gameplay. A regular checker that reaches the eighth row becomes a king at the end of its move.

The winner is determined by eliminating all of the opponent’s checkers, preventing them from making any moves, or having multiple regular checkers against the opponent’s single regular checker.







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